How To Play Pitty Pat Card Game?

pitty pat card game

Pitty Pat – Rooted in simplicity yet bursting with excitement, Pitty Pat is a classic game that has entertained players for generations. Whether you’re a seasoned card shark or a newcomer to the world of card games, Pitty Pat offers a delightful blend of luck and strategy that will keep you coming back for more.

Shuffle the deck, lay down your cards, and be prepared to engage in a thrilling battle of wits and cunning as you strive to create matching patterns and outsmart your opponents. Get ready to experience endless hours of amusement and camaraderie as you dive into the captivating realm of Pitty Pat!

What is ‘Pitty Pat card game’?

Pitty Pat is a simple, engaging card game typically played with a standard 52-card deck. It is often considered a variation of the classic “Gin Rummy” game and shares some similarities with other matching and shedding card games. Two or more players can enjoy the game and is suitable for players of all ages.

The objective of Pitty Pat is to be the first player to get rid of all their cards by creating matching sets or runs of cards. A set consists of three or more cards of the same rank, such as three 7s or four Jacks. A run is a sequence of three or more consecutive cards of the same suit, like 8, 9, and 10 of hearts.

Players take turns drawing cards from the deck or picking up the top card from the discard pile, attempting to form sets or runs in their hands. When a player successfully creates a set or run, they can discard it, and the game continues until one player has no cards left.

Pitty Pat is cherished for its simplicity, quick gameplay, and the element of luck and strategy in creating winning combinations. It’s a great choice for casual gatherings, family game nights, or any situation where you want to have fun and bond over a delightful card game.

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Playing ‘Pitty Pat’ Card Game – What you’ll need:

To play the delightful card game of Pitty Pat, you’ll need the following items:

  1. A Standard 52-Card Deck: Ensure the deck has four suits – hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades. Each suit should have cards ranked from Ace to King.
  2. Players: Gather two or more players to join in the fun. Pitty Pat can accommodate a small group or even larger gatherings, making it a versatile game for various social settings.
  3. A Playing Surface: Find a flat and comfortable playing surface, such as a table, where players can easily arrange and view their cards.
  4. Optional: While unnecessary, you may want a handy pen and paper to keep score, especially if you plan to play multiple rounds.

With these simple items, you’re all set to dive into the exciting world of Pitty Pat and enjoy countless hours of entertainment and friendly competition with friends and family. Shuffle the deck, deal the cards, and let the matching and strategizing begin!

‘Pitty Pat’ Rules and Gameplay

Pitty Pat is a fun and straightforward card game that is easy to learn and enjoyable to play. Here are the rules and gameplay instructions:

Objective: The objective of Pitty Pat is to be the first player to get rid of all their cards by forming sets and runs and discarding them.


  1. Gather two or more players and sit around a table or playing surface.
  2. Shuffle the standard 52-card deck thoroughly.
  3. Deal each player 4 cards face down, one card at a time. Place the remaining deck face down in the centre to form the draw pile. Flip the top card from the draw pile and place it face-up next to the draw pile to start the discard pile.


  1. The player to the left of the dealer goes first, and play continues clockwise.
  2. On a player’s turn, they have two options: a. Draw: The player can draw the top card from the draw pile or; b. Take the top discard: The player can take the top card from the discard pile if it helps form a set or run in their hand.
  3. After drawing a card, the player must immediately check if they have a set or run in their hand. If they do, they can discard it face-up next to the draw pile. The discard pile should always have only one card visible on top.
  4. If a player cannot or chooses not to make a discard, they must place one card face-up on the discard pile, ending their turn.

Creating Sets and Runs:

  1. A “Set” consists of three or more cards of the same rank (e.g., three 7s or four Jacks).
  2. A “Run” is formed by having three or more consecutive cards of the same suit (e.g., 8, 9, and 10 of hearts).
  3. Players can expand existing sets or runs by adding cards on subsequent turns.

Pitty Pat Rule: If a player discards a card that matches the rank of the top card in the discard pile, the next player can call “Pitty Pat.” When this happens, the player who called it gets the entire discard pile and adds it to their hand.

Winning: The game continues until one player successfully discards all their cards, at which point they are declared the winner. If the draw pile is depleted before a player wins, reshuffle the discard pile (excluding the top card) to form a new draw pile.

Scoring (Optional): If playing multiple rounds, you can keep score by awarding one point to the winner of each round. The first player to reach a predetermined score (e.g., 10 points) is declared the overall winner.

Now that you know the rules and gameplay of Pitty Pat, gather your friends and family, and enjoy the delightful experience of this entertaining card game!

How To Play Pitty Pat Card Game?

Upon receiving their initial hand of cards, players should immediately look for numerical pairs and set them aside. Starting from the left of the dealer, each player’s goal is to eliminate their remaining cards by drawing a card of the same rank from the deck to create a pair. They have two options: they can either pick a card from the “discard” pile if it forms a pair with one of their cards or draw a card from the face-down “stock” pile in an attempt to make a pair.

If a player chooses a card from the “stock” pile, they must discard one of their other cards and place it face up on the “discard” pile. The game continues in this manner, with each player taking their turn in a clockwise direction until someone successfully discards all their cards, thus winning the game.

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How many players can play Pitty Pat?

Pitty Pat can be played with two or more players. While it is more enjoyable with a small group, it can also accommodate larger gatherings.

What type of deck is used in Pitty Pat?

Pitty Pat is played with a standard 52-card deck, which includes four suits: hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades.

What is the difference between a “Set” and a “Run” in Pitty Pat?

A “Set” consists of three or more cards of the same rank (e.g., three 7s or four Jacks). A “Run” is formed by having three or more consecutive cards of the same suit (e.g., 8, 9, and 10 of hearts).

Can you add cards to existing Sets or Runs?

Yes, players can expand existing Sets or Runs by adding cards to them on subsequent turns.

What is the Pitty Pat rule?

The Pitty Pat rule allows a player to call “Pitty Pat” if they discard a card that matches the rank of the top card in the discard pile. They then get the entire discard pile and add it to their hand.

Is there a specific order of play in Pitty Pat?

Yes, the player sitting to the left of the dealer starts the game, and play proceeds in a clockwise direction.

How does the game end?

The game continues until one player successfully discards all their cards, making them the winner. If the draw pile is depleted before a player wins, reshuffle the discard pile (excluding the top card) to form a new draw pile.

Is there a scoring system in Pitty Pat?

Scoring is optional, but players can keep track of the winners in each round and award points. The first player to reach a predetermined score (e.g., 10 points) can be declared the overall winner.

Can I play Pitty Pat online?

Yes, Pitty Pat can be played online through various card game platforms and apps that offer multiplayer functionality.

Is Pitty Pat suitable for all ages?

Yes, Pitty Pat is a family-friendly game and can be enjoyed by players of all ages due to its simple rules and fun gameplay.

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